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10 health recipes with Devita BRT

10 health recipes with Devita BRT
The reduction of human immunity is a natural reaction of the body during the winter. Low temperatures, cold wind, lack of vitamins - all of this is typical for this time period.

But none of us wants to get a cold, so we need to be able to stop a cold in the initial stage.

You can quickly block and eliminate any symptoms with the help of DeVita BRT endogenous bioresonance technology. BRT technology can harmonize and "restart" the whole body as a whole, restoring pores and increasing immunity.

The BRT device:
- Harmonizes the mesenchyma (extracellular matrix, intracellular matrix, endonuclear matrix)
-Saves energy and balances the body, whose defense forces are strengthened
- It limits the inflammation
- Organizes pathogenic microorganisms
-It is excellent symptomatic treatment in the acute phase of diseases

To enhance the effect of using DeVita BRT, you need to use it in conjunction with DeVita AP Mini cellular programs and with DeLixir Multi Energy, Detox and pH Balance smart cell supplements.

How to apply: Use BRT twice a day, in the morning and in the evening (within 2 to 3 days, depending on the condition). For prevention, use the DeVita AP Mini with the programs "Antivirus" and "Anti-Cold" with BRT. For Colds and Influenza, "No staphylococcus", "No Streptococcus" (in conjunction with BRT), and "Active immune system" Complex  (once a day). Also use 1 dose of DeLixir Multi Energy every morning to fill up with vitamins. And DeLixir Detox and DeLixir pH Balance in a single dose, during the day, to remove toxins and prevent intestinal infections.
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Dear partners and friends of Deta Elis,
The program inhibits the development of fungal flora on the scalp and body, re- duces inflammation, reduces toxic load, and promotes a better quality of life.
The program causes the death of pathogenic fungi, reduces inflammation, removes toxins, helps restore the integrity of the skin of the feet and nails, and improves their condition.