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40% of diseases (according to the WHO) are due to psychosomatic disorders

40% of diseases (according to the WHO) are due to psychosomatic disorders
Psychosomatic illnesses are now coming to the fore among all doctors in the world.

Simply put, psychosomatic is the effect of an individual's emotional and psychological state on the physical body, that is, on health.

What diseases are commonly called psychosomatic?

Usually, doctors talk about psychosomatic if the symptoms of the disease do not correspond to the clinical picture. That is, when a person has deviations in health, but the tests are completely normal and show no pathology. Psychosomatic illnesses are difficult to diagnose.

Still, there are many psychosomatic illnesses and disorders. These include alcoholism, drug addiction, other addictions, depression, insomnia, diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract, weight problems, eye diseases, inflammation, headache, sore throat, birth defects, oral cavity, skin diseases, bone problems, diseases of the circulatory system and disorders of the internal organs, female and male genital diseases, cancer, mental disorders and much more.

How to recognize psychosomatic disorders in yourself?

First of all, you need to deal carefully with any of your physical and psychological situations, accept all your reactions and feelings, and ideally, work with them properly.

Life in the modern world is such that it is difficult to ignore all the stress, other negative emotions and experiences. However, you should try to limit their impact on your personality.

And for those who want to take their mental health seriously - there is a portable DeVita Energy 8 device, which aims at psychosomatic rehabilitation and protection from external factors.

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