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7 health spheres of Deta Elis Holding

7 health spheres of Deta Elis Holding
Our main goal is the development of 7 health sectors and their continuous improvement. What are we trying to do.

Our 7 health spheres:

1. Rapid test.
Regular health assessment using digital rapid testing technology of the resources of the body at home.

2. Digital wellness.
Support the body at a healthy frequency with portable electromagnetic radiation technology.

3. Smart cell nutrition.
Daily filling of the body with vitamins and trace elements in digestible liquid form without preservatives and sugar.

4. Living water.
Drinking living water, which alkalizes the body and fills it with minerals and hydrogen.

5. Balanced diet.
Learn to form a delicious and complete healthy diet that can provide the body with the necessary balance of nutrients to function properly and maintain harmony, beauty and youth.

6. Physical activity.
Live an active lifestyle, healing and strengthening your body through exercise and physical activity.

7. Conscious thinking.
Live consciously, work with the subconscious and thinking, increasing the frequency of your knowledge, leading to a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

This is why #DEHolding is unique, as it completely solves all health problems.

#DEHolding #DeVita # DevitaEnergy8 #DeLixir #DeNorma
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Dear partners and friends of Deta Elis,
The program inhibits the development of fungal flora on the scalp and body, re- duces inflammation, reduces toxic load, and promotes a better quality of life.
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