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Basic rules for being healthy - Alkalization of the body

Basic rules for being healthy - Alkalization of the body
"What do you need for maximum performance all day?" The answer to this question lies in your lifestyle: diet, daily routine, regular physical activity, etc. But it does take a long time to control all aspects of your lifestyle.

One of the solutions for a harmonious state is the right alkaline environment of the organism. Excellent and powerful sources of high pH (alkalis) are lemon and soda. But you have to admit that they are quite concentrated products, not to mention the fact that not everyone likes soda and lemon.

We recommend a unique way of effective regulation and comfortable alkalization of the body with the help of the DeVita Ritm Mini device and the DeLixir pH Balance smart cell nutrition supplement.

The DeVita Ritm Mini device helps maintain the natural hormonal balance, improves organ performance, prevents premature age-related changes and maintains the natural balance of the internal environment. The device has separate vibration frequencies for different organs and allows the body to work on self-healing.

And in order to complete the harmonization, as we have already said, it is necessary to maintain the acid-base balance of the internal environment of the organs and systems. This is so that the chemical reactions in the cells, the beneficial bacteria in the gut and even the immune system work much better and more efficiently. The DeLixir pH Balance smart cell nutrition supplement will help us with this.

During the day, when the human body needs mainly harmonization, the DeVita Ritm Mini device is used and in addition, the DeLixir pH Balance smart cell nutrition supplement is taken for proper saturation with vitamins, micronutrients and proper alkalinization.

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