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Complex "Heathy Teeth" on the new DeVita Ritm Mini device

Complex "Heathy Teeth" on the new DeVita Ritm Mini device
The human mouth is the main gateway to the body. Through it, not only vital substances enter the body, but also pathogenic forms. Therefore, it is necessary to respond in a timely manner to various changes and strange symptoms, because they can indicate not only problems with teeth, but also other organs.

Why are problems with the oral cavity dangerous?

The most common problems are bad breath, tooth decay, sores on the mucous membrane, plaque on the tongue. These manifestations may indicate the presence of viral (herpes), bacterial (streptococcus) and fungal (candida) infections.

Violation of the blood microcirculation, the metabolism can lead to bleeding and inflammation of the gums, which may cause loosening and loss of teeth. The same reasons often cause inflammation of the lips and salivary glands.

The condition of the oral cavity (teeth, mucous membrane, gums, and tongue) is an indicator of the work of many internal organs. It is affected by: prolonged use of medications, immune failure, inflammatory processes, unbalanced nutrition, bad habits, vitamin deficiency and other factors.

The Complex "Heathy Teeth" on the DeVita Ritm* Mini, reduces the bleeding of the gums, improves the health of the mucous membranes, strengthening local immunity, and early recovery from dental interventions.

Complex "Heathy Teeth" is used:

1st month, everyday alternating with each other during the day:
- "Healthy Day - automatic"
- "Health - automatic"

- "Recovery from injuries", after the end of the automatic program “Healthy Day - automatic” on the DeVita Ritm Mini device.
- "Strong teeth", after the end of the automatic program “Health - automatic” on the DeVita Ritm Mini device.

2nd month, everyday alternating with each other during the day:
- "Healthy Day - automatic"
- "Health - automatic"

- "Strong teeth", after the end of the automatic program “Healthy Day - automatic” on the DeVita Ritm Mini device.

3rd month, everyday alternating with each other during the day:
- "Healthy Day - automatic"
- "Health - automatic"

- "Strong teeth", after the end of the automatic program “Healthy Day - automatic” on the DeVita Ritm Mini device.

4th month, everyday alternating with each other during the day:
- "Healthy Day - automatic"
- "Health - automatic"

- "Strong teeth", after the end of the automatic program “Healthy Day - automatic” on the DeVita Ritm Mini device.

Get well and stay healthy with DEHolding!

* This device is not a medical device.

You can learn more about the DeVita Ritm Mini by following the link -
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