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Dear friends of the users of the educational platform DeSchool

Dear friends of the users of the educational platform DeSchool
We are happy that our DeSchool is in great demand in Russia and other European countries. Today our database has more than 700 active users worldwide.

At the moment, we are preparing up to 3 courses dedicated to new products and the marketing plan of DEHolding, about which you will learn very soon.

We also inform all users that our educational platform is being transferred to another website.

We will transfer all the users of the old site to the new one, where you will have access to all the DeSchool courses that have been released. You will learn about accessibility via a personal email.

Pre-register on the new site -

DeSchool - International platform for online education and information of partners and customers of the company "DEHolding".

This educational project consists of two directions:

Technologies - training in the use of DEHolding health technologies.
Business training for the use of personal account, effective cooperation with partners, the main principles of marketing and their implementation, the purchase and sale of DEHolding products.

Learn and develop yourself with DEHolding!
Next news
Dear partners and friends of Deta Elis,
The program inhibits the development of fungal flora on the scalp and body, re- duces inflammation, reduces toxic load, and promotes a better quality of life.
The program causes the death of pathogenic fungi, reduces inflammation, removes toxins, helps restore the integrity of the skin of the feet and nails, and improves their condition.
The program fights pathogenic microflora, reduces inflammation, removes toxins from the body, regulates the barrier function of the skin, improves its condition.