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DeHolding's first successful steps in Tempere

DeHolding's first successful steps in Tempere
Once again, we were pleasantly surprised by Finland, a country of 5 million people with a strong development potential. On Wednesday,5th  of February , a corporate presentation was held in the city of Tempere, in southern Finland, by the Sapphire Master of the DEHolding, Mr. Vassiliou Demetrios and the Psychologist-trainer, Personal development and family relations consultant, IAC certified consultant specializing in the "Third Millennium Psychology" program, Mrs. Ilina Irina

Dozens of new partners and healthcare professionals watched with great interest the technological advances of Deholding, as well as the efficiency and benefits they offer to people's daily lives.

The audience has truly embraced the technology of the future and created the ideal conditions for even more crowded auditions!

We warmly congratulate our excellent partner Mrs. Irina Kazakina for a dynamic start up and excellent organization.
Next news
The long-awaited presentation of the Director of Global Business Development and Promotion, Mr. Vasilis Palaiologos, in the beautiful city of Ioannina was a great success.
Dear partners and friends of Deta Elis,
The program inhibits the development of fungal flora on the scalp and body, re- duces inflammation, reduces toxic load, and promotes a better quality of life.
The program causes the death of pathogenic fungi, reduces inflammation, removes toxins, helps restore the integrity of the skin of the feet and nails, and improves their condition.