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Don't Be Sick❗

Don't Be Sick❗
Health cannot be achieved without what?
Without immunity❗
People have been searching for centuries for an answer to the question: how do you strengthen your immune system?

Have you ever asked yourself that question?
Do you know why not everyone can strengthen their immune system?

Because many people want a magic elixir: drink it and the result is ready in one action.
But it can be very difficult to follow simple daily recommendations.

Let's find out, is it really so difficult or do we make it harder ourselves?

1. Eat a balanced diet or eat fast food.
Let's evaluate the result of the two options:
- Fast food will give you a pain in the stomach, there will be a nagging desire to eat something delicious, and constant thoughts about food will greatly reduce performance;
+ A nutritious breakfast, lunch and dinner will help you think clearly, feel energetic and have a productive day.

2. Walking outdoors.

Ever notice how sitting at home and doing nothing puts you in a state of perpetual sleep. You feel tired, even if you just woke up.

And how invigorating it is when your lungs get enough oxygen. If you go for a walk in good company, it also improves your mood.

3. Physical activity.

Choose your favorite sport: swimming, running, yoga, dancing, walking, even the simplest exercise or breathing practice will give you an energy boost for the whole day.

Make an experiment: start one day with your usual routine, the other with physical activity.

Notice the difference in your body, your mood and your performance. You will have no desire to give up sport if it is enjoyable.

4. A healthy sleep.

From 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., try to sleep. During this time, the body produces hormones necessary for health, the work of the body is being restored.

Just do not burden the body with food for 2-3 hours before going to sleep.
A full night's sleep = an efficient and energetic day.

5. Use Deta Elis products

Drink 15 ml of DeLixir smart cell nutrition supplement every morning and use the "Active Immune System" complex. It will keep your immunity and protect against viral diseases.

The main thing is not to say to yourself "No, I can't", simplify the tasks: gradually add one item to your life, you will not notice how your mood and health will thank you!

You can read more about the use of the "Active Immune System" Complex of programs and the complex approach to health on page 55, in the "Complex Approach" catalog of DEHolding:

Enjoy life and be healthy!


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