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Educational trainings in the cities of Finland

Educational trainings in the cities of Finland
The 3-day training that took place from 04/03 to 06/03 in the cities of Tempere and Helsinki was completed with great success.

Mrs. Inna Kushnirova, a therapist from the city of Daugavpils in Latvia and founder of a wellness center, decided to support the development in Finland by organizing this training.

We thank Mrs. Irina Kamarainen for the organization of diagnostic and professional meetings in the cities of Tampere and Helsinki.

Special thanks to the Bronze Master of our company, Mrs. Inna Kushnirova, for her wonderful initiative in conducting this type of training.


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The long-awaited presentation of the Director of Global Business Development and Promotion, Mr. Vasilis Palaiologos, in the beautiful city of Ioannina was a great success.
Dear partners and friends of Deta Elis,
The program inhibits the development of fungal flora on the scalp and body, re- duces inflammation, reduces toxic load, and promotes a better quality of life.
The program causes the death of pathogenic fungi, reduces inflammation, removes toxins, helps restore the integrity of the skin of the feet and nails, and improves their condition.