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Ingredients DeLixir Ultra Slim + - Artichokes

Ingredients DeLixir Ultra Slim + - Artichokes
In addition to the overall action of DeLixir Ultra Slim + in the fight against excess fat (it acts lipotropically in six different ways), this liquid formula with great taste contains numerous ingredients that promote our health - that is why the symbol ‘+’ exists  at the end of its name.

One of these is the artichoke, the leaves of which are beneficial for our liver, the most detoxifying organ of our body.

In addition, the artichoke contains vitamins A, C and B, calcium, phosphorus. It cleanses blood and reduces cholesterol, stimulates the heart, benefits the kidneys and helps in the treatment of arteriosclerosis, rheumatism and obesity.

Precious medicine
In addition to its rich nutritional value, artichoke is also used as a medicine, since it helps to deal with many diseases. Since ancient times, it has been used to digest fatty foods, but also for constipation, since artichoke is rich in fiber. The artichoke components are cholesterol and diuretics. It also has the healing property of removing cholesterol from the blood! Artichoke is considered to be anti-atherosclerosis and benefits  liver deficiency. It is also stimulating, against intermittent fevers, against quadrilateral fever, against cervix, against liver diseases and against rheumatism. It also has properties against kidney stones, against jaundice and is also cardiac and blood cleansing.

Protects the liver
The hepatoprotective action of artichoke has been studied by many doctors in France since the first half of the 20th century. Artichoke's ability to increase the secretion of bile due to a bitter and aromatic substance: kernin. It is especially useful in cases of hyperaemia or hepatic insufficiency, jaundice and poor digestion of fatty substances. By stimulating the secretion of bile, the artichoke acts also in cases of constipation. The artichoke leaf contains, on the other hand, sterols, magnesium, and potassium, components that act synergistically with kainrin.

It reduces cholesterol
It has recently been discovered that the artichoke leaf has the ability to lower cholesterol. A study by a leading German university recently reveals the beneficial effects of artichoke, both in reducing cholesterol and in improving liver function.

Cardiovascular diseases are the world's leading causes of death and are associated with elevated levels of total cholesterol in the blood plasma. Researchers at the University of Reading in the UK have found that artichoke leaf extract, which is given without prescription, can lower cholesterol in otherwise healthy people with moderately elevated cholesterol levels.

Since plasma cholesterol reaches a certain level, prescription drugs such as statins are prescribed to help reduce it. The intervention we can take before concentrations reach these levels can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease without the use of drugs. This study showed that healthy people with moderately elevated plasma cholesterol levels were able to reduce these levels by using this herbal supplement.

Europeans highly appreciated artichoke as an aphrodisiac. It is said that at the end of the Middle Ages, Catherine of Medici was criticized for her weakness for artichokes, which she used to eat publicly, so some people associated gastronomic with sexual weaknesses.

Note that Ultra Slim + contains 200 mg of artichoke leave extract per daily dose, while artichoke is one of its 15 ingredients!

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