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Ingredients of DeLixir Top Form - IRON

Ingredients of DeLixir Top Form - IRON
Approximately 65% of body iron is contained in hemoglobin, about 10% in myoglobin, 1-3% is a component of various enzymes and the rest is either circulating in the blood or stored.

Iron is a component of heme, contributing to the transport of oxygen to the tissues, is part of various enzymes that play a key role in various metabolic pathways, while adequate iron intake is essential for the normal functioning of the immune system. Iron is also essential for proper brain function at all ages, since it is involved both in the function and composition of neurotransmitters and myelin.

A healthy person with normal hemoglobin rates usually only absorbs 5-10% of the iron contained in the foods.

Iron is mainly found in plant products (fruits, vegetables, cereals, pulses and nuts), dairy, red meat, liver and eggs, and is absorbed by only 2 to 10%.

The absorption of iron significantly increases vitamin C and amino acids. For this reason the iron found in DeLixir Top Form can be absorbed easily and effectively.

Enjoy and stay healthy with DEHolding!

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