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New program "Stop Amoeba" on the DeVita AP Mini device (GENERAL LIST OF PROGRAMS 1/No. 25)

New program "Stop Amoeba" on the DeVita AP Mini device (GENERAL LIST OF PROGRAMS 1/No. 25)
Entamoeba histolytica (dysenteric amoeba) is one of the simplest parasites. It penetrates the human body and becomes the cause of the development of many serious pathological conditions.

Like other varieties of amoeba, it has adapted to a parasitic lifestyle, namely in the large intestine, sometimes it can cause a serious illness - amoebiasis. To prevent infection with this parasite, it is important to know all its features.

The new program "Stop Amoeba" on the DeVita AP Mini device, is specifically aiming at destroying these microorganisms without harming the organs and systems of the human organism.

Application: Daily, for 2 weeks.

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Dear partners and friends of Deta Elis,
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