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Programs of DeVita Ritm Mini : “Hormones normalization” (GENERAL LIST OF PROGRAMS 1/No. 14)

Programs of DeVita Ritm Mini : “Hormones normalization” (GENERAL LIST OF PROGRAMS 1/No. 14)
The endocrine system regulates the activities of bodies with the help of hormones and provides a constant internal environment (homeostasis). The endocrine system is involved in the development of the organism, its growth, and reproductive function. Also it regulates the mental state and emotional reactions. The system includes several organs and glands, each of which produces their hormones.

Failures in the endocrine system cause a wide range of health problems ranging from psychological disorders and to physical disabilities. Hormonal disturbances cause abrupt loss or, conversely, weight gain, skin problems, blurred vision, fever, sleep disorders, etc.

The program "Hormones normalization" normalizes the function of the hypothalamus - pituitary - adrenal - gonadal glands, and regulates the excretory processes in the body.

For best results use a comprehensive approach from DEHolding — combine the application of DeVita devices with DeLixir.
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Dear partners and friends of Deta Elis,
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