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Psychosomatics in modern medicine

Psychosomatics in modern medicine
People around you are in control of your health!
When was the last time you had a headache? Are you sure it was a physical dysfunction in the body and not a psychosomatic manifestation of accumulated emotions?

In the 21st century, psychosomatic symptoms are found in more than half of patients in conventional treatment clinics.

Modern psychosomatics is much more than just the phrase "all problems are in the mind".

In the digital world, with the advent of social media and the Internet in general in the life of each of us, psychosomatic problems have intensified.

The main idea of psychosomatic is that every illness has its own emotional and psychological reasons. Our body stops dealing with the annoying stream of thoughts, increasing the stress that has already accumulated in the body.

Apart from that, modern events have "hardened" the characters of many people, turning most of them into users of high energy levels. Such people cause you negativity, and sometimes they do not even understand why they behave this way.
Surely you have met such people in your life.

Excessive emotions, mainly negative ones, dominate not only our thoughts, but also our body, catalyzing various diseases.
How can you protect yourself from the outside influences of the fast-growing world and the people around you?

1. Minimize stressful situations.
Refuse to communicate with negative people, worry less about small things. Remind yourself that your life and health are more important than being late for work or arguing with a coworker.

2. Increase your own energy.
Add fitness and meditation to your life, exercise and workouts that increase your energy and physical resources.

3. Work with your limiting beliefs and get rid of them.
"I will definitely never succeed.", "I still can not succeed, I do not even need to try.", "Who needs me like that?", "I am always unlucky." - and similar phrases. Make sure that in your life, and especially in your thoughts, such phrases do not arise, replace all these beliefs with opposite positive attitudes.

4. Fill your life with creativity and allow yourself to rest.
Do whatever activities you want. Spend more time with your family; spend time on your hobbies and your favourite pastime.

5. Use the new DEHolding device - DeVita Energy 8, which will help you:
- Get rid of chronic stress.
- Gain energy for growth and self-realization.
- Unleash your creativity.
- Remove all psychological fears and obstacles from yourself.
- Find harmony in relationships with people.
- Restore sleep.
- Protect yourself from sociopathogens.
- Avoid the effect of electromagnetic smog.
- Protect yourself from psychosomatic influences.
- Find balance and harmony in life.

The device contains 8 programs, each of which solves the cause of problems in different areas of human life:
1. #Energy
2. #Protection
3. #Health
4. #Harmony
5. #Relationship
6. #Slimness
7. #Abundance
8. #Longevity-5G

People and partners in 27 countries around the world have received a positive result!

You can buy the device in the DEHolding online store in the product section or follow the link -

Improve your quality of life with DEHolding! Start with new healthy habits!

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