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Recovery after infection

Recovery after infection
The DeMatrix bio corrective pendant "Rehabilitation from Viral Infections" helps to balance the body's function after getting rid of viruses and toxins.

The pendant contains information for the recovery of the body from infectious diseases. Including herpes group viruses, which affect a person's reproductive function.

Can be used by itself or in combination with the "Coronavirus Prevention" or "Detox V" pendant.

After coronavirus infection, people experience heart failure, irritability, memory gaps and hair loss. DeMatrix effectively handles these reactions.

The pendant aims at harmonization of:
✓ circulatory and hematopoietic system,
✓ central nervous system,
✓ brain activity,
✓ memory center,
✓ hair loss.

Proper body function and strong immunity will allow you to fight infection in the event of a threat of re-infection.

#DEH #DeMatrix

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Dear partners and friends of Deta Elis,
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