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The result of the work of the bioresonance technologies of the devices DeVita Ritm Mini, AP Mini and Energy

The result of the work of the bioresonance technologies of the devices DeVita Ritm Mini, AP Mini and Energy
The woman suffered for more than 7 years with a skin problem. She could not visit public places, be in the sun and for more than 7 years refused to travel and go on vacation.

During this time, she repeatedly consulted various doctors. Each time a different diagnosis was made, eczema, apathetic dermatitis, psoriasis.

Having accidentally learned about the bioresonance technologies, the woman asked for help and decided to undergo a computer diagnosis using the bioresonance method on BRT.

On the bioresonance diagnostics, the cause of the disease was identified - it was Herpes Simplex.

Over the course of many years of illness, due to the fact that the surface of the skin has lost its integrity and its protective properties, other bacteria and fungi have joined the main virus: (Epidermofiton, Mukorales mold, Mukorales skin).

The treatment was carried out with devices that are operating with bioresonance: DeVita Ritm mini, DeVita AP mini and DeVita Energy.

The therapy began by cleansing the body of the parasitic load, then we worked with programs that remove the cause of the disease and recovery programs.

Duration of therapy:

The 1st positive result was obtained in the 3rd week - symptoms such as itching, burning and pain disappeared.

At 6-8 weeks, new lesions stopped appearing and the skin stopped losing its integrity. Cracks and ulcers were gone.

Full recovery came after 15 months of therapy.

The therapy was performed by Alina Romashenko, Academician of Medical and Technical Sciences. Specialist in bioresonance technologies. Lecturer and methodologist at Deta Elis Holding.

After 15 months, the woman went on vacation for the first time and began to live a normal life.
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Dear partners and friends of Deta Elis,
The program inhibits the development of fungal flora on the scalp and body, re- duces inflammation, reduces toxic load, and promotes a better quality of life.
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