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Complex "Lyme disease" on the new DeVita AP Mini device

Complex "Lyme disease" on the new DeVita AP Mini device
Ticks are one of the most diverse and ancient groups of arthropods on Earth. As a rule, mites are free-living, but parasitic blood-sucking species are also found. Among them, the most famous are ixodid ticks (Ixodoidea). They carry the causative agents of human diseases: tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease), etc.

What dangers do tick bites carry?

Ticks are active in the period: late March, early April, increasing numbers by mid-May. The maximum number is preserved until the end of June, and sometimes until September. Ticks prefer moderately shaded and moistened deciduous and mixed forests. Ticks lie in wait for their prey, sitting on the ends of blades of grass, sticks and twigs sticking up.

Tick saliva is able to dissolve the walls of blood vessels and reduce immunity.
Infectious agents are also transmitted through saliva, which pose a danger to human health. Agent transfer occurs in the first minutes after being bitten. Tick-borne encephalitis is the most dangerous of tick-borne infections. Tick-borne borreliosis is the most common.

Infectious agents caught by a tick bite infect the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, and the cardiovascular system. They lead to intoxication and further damage to the liver and kidneys, a general decrease in immunity and a state of constant fatigue.

The Complex "Lyme disease" on the DeVita AP* Mini, reduces the parasitic and toxic loads, maintaining harmonious functioning of the nervous system, increasing the energy state and improving overall well-being.

Complex "Lyme disease" is used:

1st month of daily use, during night time, according to the following scheme:
1st week - "Mode 1 - automatic"
2nd week - "Mode 2 - automatic"
3rd week - "Mode 3 - automatic"
4th week - "Mode 4 - automatic"

2nd month:
- "Cleansing - automatic" daily at night.

-  "No schistosomes (blood-flukes) & trematods", daily in the evening after DeVita Ritm programs for 1-2 weeks.
- "Drainage Antitox", daily in the evening after DeVita Ritm programs for 3-4 weeks.

3rd month:
- "Lyme 1" and "Lyme 2", alternate every other day for 2 weeks. Turn on time 17:00.
- "Lyme 3" and "Lyme 4", alternate every other day for 2 weeks. Turn on time 17:00.

4th month:
- "Cleansing - automatic" at night, 1st day.
- "Nerve Regeneration" at night, 2nd day.

Get well and stay healthy with DEHolding!

* This device is not a medical device.

You can learn more about the DeVita Ap Mini by following the link -
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