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Ingredients of DeLixir Detox - Diatomaceous earth

Ingredients of DeLixir Detox - Diatomaceous earth
Diatomaceous earth is a high - value plant in mineral silicon dioxide, more than 90%. It comes from the accumulation of a huge number of fossilized Phytoplankton. The diatoms' skeletons are placed at the bottom of the sea and lakes. The diatomaceous earth is a very porous material and is essentially an extraordinary natural filter that absorbs hazardous chemicals.

The diatom earth: neutralizes heavy metals and free radicals, traps the allergens from entering bloodstream and the digestive tract, has antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, reduces blood cholesterol and hypertension, relieves arthritis, regulates peristaltic bowel movements and therefore constipation and diarrhea, Colon cleansing, pest control and general disintegration of the organism are achieved, breaks down high protein concentrations, which are responsible for uric acid.

For best results, use the smart cell nutrition supplement DeLixir Detox in conjunction with the DeVita AP device. Youth Promise - a unique integrated approach from DEHolding.

Enjoy and stay healthy!

#DEH #DEHolding #DeLixir #Detox

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