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Ingredients of DeLixir Detox - Ginger

Ingredients of DeLixir Detox - Ginger
The health benefits of ginger are largely due to its antioxidants, anti-inflammatory propertiesand content of therapeutic compounds like gingerol, shogaol, paradol and zingerone.

1. Helps Treat Nausea
2. Fights Fungal Infections
3. Protects Against Stomach Ulcers
4. Regulates Blood Sugar
5. Relieves Joint and Muscle Pain
6. Lowers Cholesterol Levels
7. Blocks Bacterial Infections
8. Promotes Proper Digestion

One of the most powerful ginger benefits is its ability to support digestive health and prevent problems like dyspepsia, a common condition of impaired digestion characterized by symptoms like pain, heartburn, fullness and discomfort.

According to a study in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, ginger was able to speed up the emptying of the stomach by 25 percent compared to a placebo in people with indigestion. At the same time, ginger also appears to have beneficial effects on the enzymes trypsin and pancreatic lipase, and to increase motility through the digestive tract. This suggests ginger could help prevent colon cancer and constipation.

Ginger extract and many other necessary vitamins and microelements are contained in the smart cell nutrition supplement DeLixir Detox, aimed at cleansing the body and improving its functions.

Enjoy and stay healthy with DEHolding!

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