Call center opening hours:
only weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00


The principles of longevity are quite simple! And, most importantly, accessible to everyone. Let us take responsibility for our situation here and now, adopting the following simple principles.

1. Take care of the inner harmony. No wonder they say that all diseases are from the nerves.

2. Take a deep breath and learn to relax with breathing exercises.
Maybe yoga is suitable for someone, while someone else may choose something completely different.

3. Avoid fast food and focus on plant foods - vegetables, fruits, nuts, garlic and onions.

4. Be sure to arrange "fasting" days - they help cleanse the body of any "garbage", diseased and non-viable cells, allergens and toxins.

5. Drink quality, clean water. 30 ml per 1 kg body weight.

6. Add physical activity to your schedule. You can do everything: walk, run, dance. Ideal in winter, to visit the swimming pool.

7. Let go of bad habits in a previous life.

8. Get enough sleep - do not be stingy. Proper sleep is supposed to be 7-8 hours, and sometimes 9. Your body, like your phone, needs recharging.

9. Smile, do good deeds and fill your life with meaning.

10. Use DEHolding devices that have already taken the lives of thousands of people to a whole new level.
#DEH #DEHolding

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