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Videos of DEHolding company

DEHolding Tutorial Video English Subtitles

Leadership meeting 2019 - How was it?

Health regulation - Support your body every minute / What is health / Technology of the future

Bioresonance - deception or technology of the future? /Studies on the nematodes /Killer of parasites

How to protect yourself from viruses [Promo] [DeVita AP Mini] [ENG]

How to protect yourself from viruses [DeVita AP Mini] [ENG]

Check the signal strength of DeVita technologies: DeVita Mini, DeVita Base and DeVita 2013 [ENG]

Successful and healthy lifestyle with DEHolding

DeVita BRT - innovations in the field of wellness [ENG] [Full version]

DeVita BRT - innovations in the field of wellness [ENG]

Video about DeVita AP Mini

Heart and circulation


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