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12.10.2019- End credits of the World Leadership Conference

12.10.2019- End credits of the World Leadership Conference
After completing the awards given by the Deholding directors, the evening continued with a wonderful theme party!

The guests, inspired by the magnificent Oriental dress, gave their next rendezvous at the annual Deholding Dance entitled "1000 and 1 nights of Shehrzat" ...
Fantastic costumes, traditional oriental dances and performances, fine oriental dishes, themed music and an endless mood for dancing and fun.

It was a spectacular night with a mysterious element, that traveled the guests to the magical world of the East!
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The program fights pathogenic microflora, reduces inflammation, removes toxins from the body, regulates the barrier function of the skin, improves its condition.
The program helps to relieve spasms, reduce pain, normalizes the motility of the large intestine.
The program reduces pain, meteorism, bloating, relieves inflammation of the mucosa, normalizes the motility of the GI tract.
The program helps to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, restore mucosa, normalize the stomach, gallbladder, and pancreas.