Call center opening hours:
only weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00

Attention to all partners❗

Attention to all partners❗
DEHolding will be compressing inactive logins from August 1-15.

All inactive logins, with a period of inactivity of more than 365 days will be removed from the system without the possibility of recovery.

Please renew your inactive logins by August 1st.

If you have any questions, write to us by e-mail or call the company number.

Get your business in order, give yourself the opportunity to effectively expand your business!


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The program fights pathogenic microflora, reduces inflammation, removes toxins from the body, regulates the barrier function of the skin, improves its condition.
The program helps to relieve spasms, reduce pain, normalizes the motility of the large intestine.
The program reduces pain, meteorism, bloating, relieves inflammation of the mucosa, normalizes the motility of the GI tract.
The program helps to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, restore mucosa, normalize the stomach, gallbladder, and pancreas.