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Congratulations for the achievement of the "Sapphire Master" title to our partner, athlete and a wonderful person - Natig Mammadov

Congratulations for the achievement of the "Sapphire Master" title to our partner, athlete and a wonderful person - Natig Mammadov
Mr. Natig is not only a successful partner of the company, but has been engaged in Aikido for more than 23 years and has 2 Dan in Kempo, has won the USSR Boxing Championship and is a war veteran in the Caucasus.

To such a person everything seemed to be easy!
And Mr. Natig proves this again and again with his swift movement in his partnership with DEHolding.

Congratulations from the whole company and wishes for the development of even more countries and cities, showing by your example that moving forward, regardless of failures and mistakes, is the only way to success in business, sports and personal life.
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The program fights pathogenic microflora, reduces inflammation, removes toxins from the body, regulates the barrier function of the skin, improves its condition.
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