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Cyst - causes and prevention

Cyst - causes and prevention
How to treat polycystic ovary disease?
Mrs. Alina Romashenko, Academician of Medical and Technical Sciences and expert in the field of bioresonance, answers.

All cystic processes are the body's reaction to some kind of infection. It creates a protective shell around it and does not want it to spread further.

If the program “Women's Health” on the DeVita Ritm device is used regularly by a female since teenage years, then it will prevent polycystic ovary disease.

If you already have polycystic ovaries, the "Women's Health" program will help you deal with it. You should use the program every day, at any time that suits you.
Also, on the DeVita Ritm device, there are a number of anti-cystic programs that can be configured individually, but only after consultation with a specialist.

Additional programs will eliminate cysts in various organs: the kidneys, the uterus and the thyroid gland.

All benign cysts are a reaction to pathogenic microorganisms that appear in these organs.

Take care of your health completely and live consciously!

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