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Healthy sleep❗

Healthy sleep❗
One-third of a person's life is spent sleeping, to be productively awake for another two-thirds. When sleep is disturbed, not only mood or performance suffers, but also health in general.

With frequent sleep disturbances, the person faces a variety of problems:
✔️immunity decreases, and susceptibility to frequent colds appears;
✔️exacerbations of existing chronic diseases occur more frequently;
✔️the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases;
✔️the ability to work decreases;
✔️depression episodes occur more often;
✔️and, in the end, constantly spoiling the mood.  

As a rule, insomnia comes down to two variants: a person either cannot fall asleep for a long time or wakes up very early and never falls asleep again.

A simple solution to improve sleep is the bioresonance technology of DeVita devices.

The safe electromagnetic waves of DeVita devices help:
☑️ to improve the function of all organs;
☑️ reduce stress level;
☑️ improve mood.

The main thing with insomnia is to fight the causes, not the consequences.

Remember, the healthier your sleep, the better your life is going to get❗

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#devices #insomnia

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