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Ingredients DeLixir Detox - Aloe Vera

Ingredients DeLixir Detox - Aloe Vera
The useful properties of aloe vera are known in every family. This plant has strong bactericidal properties, and also enhances the processes of tissue regeneration, for example, in case of wounds and abrasions.

In addition, aloe vera enhances immunity, and promotes a better cleansing of the intestine. Aloe vera is also used in medicine - from its extract an antibiotic has been isolated, which is effective in inflammatory diseases. The biochemical composition of aloe is extremely rich - it contains amino acids, necessary enzymes, vitamins and minerals, natural anesthetics, as well as a special substance called asmentannan that stimulates immunity and fights microbes.

Acemannan allows nutrients to reach the cells, nourish them and at the same time relieve them of toxins. Aloe vera extract and many other necessary vitamins and microelements are contained in the smart cell nutrition DeLixir Detox, aimed at cleansing the body and improving its functions.

Enjoy and stay healthy with DEHolding!

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