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Ingredients of DeLixir Collagen+ - Hyaluronic acid

Ingredients of DeLixir Collagen+ - Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is a part of connective tissue and the epidermis (skin). One of the main functions of this substance is the attraction and retention of moisture. One molecule of hyaluronic acid is able to hold 1000 water molecules. The correct levels of moisture is the secret of a great state of hair and skin.

Thus, the smoothness of the skin and the softness of the hair depends directly on the
concentration of hyaluronic acid in the body. Hyaluronic acid is produced in the body, but
with age, this process is declining. To help the skin stay young and moistened longer, special
anti-aging agents with hyaluronic acid have been invented.

Especially popular are a variety of creams and serums. However, hyaluronic acid molecules
are large and they can’t penetrate deep layers of the skin through the epidermis, making the
cosmetics with this component effective only on a small external level.

Therefore, we recommend DeLixir Collagen+ - a smart cell nutrition supplement, which
includes hyaluronic acid and many other necessary vitamins and microelements that will
help you in achieving your desired goals of beauty and youth.

Enjoy and stay healthy with DEHolding!


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