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Lactobacillus brevis - 5 of 15 probiotic strains of DeNorma

Lactobacillus brevis - 5 of 15 probiotic strains of DeNorma
Lactobacillus brevis is intended for the healthy functioning of the digestive organs, teeth and during the period of taking antibiotics.

Lactobacillus brevis or as it is sometimes called Levilactobacillus brevis is a species of Gram-positive lactic acid bacteria that during fermentation form carbon dioxide, acetic and lactic acid or ethanol.

L. brevis is found in fermented and dairy products. For example, in sauerkraut, in kimchi , in pickled dishes.
( a dish of Korean cuisine, with heavily seasoned (fermented) vegetables)

L. brevis helps to create kefir and beer. Its addition gives the characteristic sour taste. But at the same time, with overgrowth, this bacterium can damage the product.

L. brevis is also used in winemaking, helping to make red wines less palatable.

L. brevis is part of a normal intestinal and vaginal microflora. In smaller quantities, this microorganism is also present in breast milk.

According to various studies, the use of L.brevis improves the body's immune response. These bacteria have the ability to activate the work of killer cells in elderly patients. They kill pathogens, fight infections and stop the growth of cancer cells.

In addition, this probiotic improves heart function, gum condition, improves mood and increases the effectiveness of antibiotics.

Lactobacillus brevis also reduces the inflammation caused by nitric oxide, which is characteristic of asthma. This bacterium can be used to control stimulants in foodborne illness (Salmonella typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, staphylococci and others).

Lactobacillus brevis is used:
- To improve digestion
- In vaginitis
- When taking antibiotics
- In diabetes
- For oral hygiene
- Against Helicobacter pylori

Lactobacillus brevis is contained in the symbiotic DeNorma.

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